Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Turtle!

My baby is 6!!! 6!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. He has grown up so much this past year. It seems like not so long ago we were not so patiently waiting for him to arrive while he played "cry wolf" with us. I remember the days when he was so shy that he seemed to be a barnacle attached to my behind who hide from anyone he didn't know and often those he did. Now he has grown into Mr. Personality- my funny, charming, precocious little boy.

I was in really bad shape this year in the days leading up to his birthday and the prospect of throwing a party was not something I was feeling capable of at all. Thankfully the Hero saved the day with some well timed hockey tickets for a game the night before the Turtle's birthday. Not only did the Turtle get to go to a game with just his Daddy, he came home with a game puck and was apparently the good luck charm for the coaches of the opposing team (eeek!). The coaching staff all ruffled his curls as they came out to practice and it was them who gave him a puck. Nonetheless he enjoyed the pre-season game and it became his "party".

The next day he took mini muffins and juice to school and shared his birthday with both grade 1 classes. That night we had a family dinner with Turtle cake made by a worn out mom with the help of cake mix and canned frosting (sometimes a girl has to do what she can to get by). He thought it was great and was pleased with cake and presents. Mr. Music now has his own personal iPod shuffle, the boy is always dancing or singing so this was the perfect gift.


  1. Happy belated birthday, Turtle! So glad it was a fun day :)

  2. Happy Birthday Turtle!!!! Hope it was great!
